Artists and authors will gather to raise funds for the medical expenses for Stuart Timmons, recovering from a stroke, at the ONE Institute (909 W. Adams Blvd, at Scarff, between Figueroa and Hoover) on Nov. 15 from 3 - 5 p.m. The event is co-sponsored by the Lambda Literary Foundation, Monette/Horwitz Trust and Drk/rm photo lab.
For reservations or more information call 213-741-0094. Contributions may be sent to
For reservations or more information call 213-741-0094. Contributions may be sent to
Stuart Craig Timmons Irrev. Trust
c/o Gay Timmons
POB 472
Los Gatos, CA 95031.
c/o Gay Timmons
POB 472
Los Gatos, CA 95031.