Saturday, March 03, 2007

Global Warming and San Francisco

In reading about the effect that sinking fill is having on San Francisco, coupled with global warming, I couldn't help but notice how similar the projections are for The City to the 19th century shoreline. Apparently, the sewers are already having a problem with salt water in some of the low-lying parts of town!

It's especially poignant given that glossy cover photo on last month's San Francisco magazine, showing all those pie-in-the-sky SoMa highrises in various stages of planning or construction. You don't want to "get in on the ground floor," so to speak.

I guess the bay will eventually reclaim that which was taken away from it over the past 150 years.

If anyone doubts this, they need only look at a photograph of the Valencia Hotel from the 1906 earthquake...

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