Saturday, October 28, 2006

Give Peace a chance...

I didn't even know that today was "Make A Difference Day." I guess I'll have to read USA Today more often. I do know that there's a peace march about to begin in Hollywood, so I'll go over and take a stroll for peace. Ironically, it's starting at the same part of Hollywood where the hooligans tend to act up (or out) around Halloween, which is why, in part, West Hollywood's Halloween celebration became so huge.

It's become very chic in WeHo to sniff, "Oh I don't go anywhere near the boulevard on Halloween!" I say, put some drag queens at the entrance and have 'em give all the straight boys a big wet kiss. Then we'll get our celebration back to ourselves, tout suite. Especially if you kiss 'em in front of their friends ('cuz living in the Historic Drag Queen Prostitute District, I can attest that plenty of those straight boys wouldn't mind it if their buddies and girlfriends weren't around to see 'em...

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